<<<<<<<<<< VITALS DESKTOP >>>>>>>>>> Vitals Desktop 3.2.1 New Features --------------------------------- -Previous versions' COM port range during Data Transfer for Controller/Data Logger and TMC-DT1 Controller was limited to COM1 through COM9. Range was increased to COM99 for USB to RS232 adapters. -Previous versions' New Database dialog box showed 'Open' button instead of 'Save'. Dialog box was changed from Open Dialog to Save Dialog for creation of new databases. Vitals Desktop 3.2.0 New Features ------------------------------- -Multi-language support. -Vitals Desktop will keep track of the current language being used and the language last loaded to Vitals Mobile. When the language changes on Vitals Desktop, or if the Vitals Mobile language file is missing, and a Data Transfer is performed, Vitals Desktop will transfer the currently used language to Vitals Mobile. -There is no need to exit Vitals Mobile to change the language. Simply perform a Data Transfer while using a new language in Vitals Desktop and Vitals Mobile will automatically translate its interface. -New language auto-add. Drop new language file into application path folder and language is automatically included in software. (Certain languages require a change to the Regional Settings --> System Locale to enable special characters) -Option to install Vitals Mobile 3.2 on Recon device or keep current version. -ActiveSync/WMDC auto-detect/install. -Robust system registration for software components used in Vitals. -Message added to make user aware of 5,000 valve upload "limit". -Removed "Refresh" button from valve and activity information grids. Valve/activity information will now automatically refresh as soon as it is changed. -Unit of measurement appears next to torque when creating a new valve. -Option to email Vitals Tech Support from Help menu. Vitals Desktop 3.2.0 Fixes ------------------------ -If a valve has activities associated with it, you can change the ValveID of a single activity associated with that valve, or the valve itself, and the rest of the activities associated with that valve will keep the old ValveID. The ValveID is now bound together between valves and activities - if you change the ValveID of a valve, all activities will update with the new ValveID; you cannot change the ValveID through an activity; you cannot create a new activity without creating a valve first. -Valve count in "Browse Valves"/"Browse Activities" showed "-1/0" when there were no valves in the database. This will now show "0/0". -Print Detail would only print the most recent activity performed on a valve. Print Detail will now show user-selected information for every activity associated with a valve. -Users could not perform Activity Report of custom data fields if there was a space or special character in the name of the field. Users can now print Activity Reports using custom data fields named with spaces and special characters. -Valve Info section in "Browse Valves"/"Browse Activities" caused Vitals program to crash if clicked and there were no valves in the database and the Valve Info section was empty. There is now no effect from clicking in this box. -Vitals program receives error and quits when trying to perform database activity and then trying to set custom color. Fixed. -Vitals program receives error and quits when opening a data transfer session, choosing "Specify Valve Records" radio button, and then trying to view contents of combo boxes. Fixed. -Vitals program tries to open current database in MS Access. If MS Access is not installed this error appears and Vitals quits. -Deleting a field through Customize Data Fields did not delete the field in the MS Access database. Fixed. <<<<<<<<<< VITALS MOBILE >>>>>>>>>> Vitals Mobile 3.2.1 Fixes ------------------------- -GPS device detection caused Vitals Mobile to freeze with spinning wheel only in version 3.2.0. GPS device detection fixed and re-enabled in version 3.2.1. Vitals Mobile 3.2.0 New Features ------------------------------ -Multi-language support. -COM port/Bluetooth auto-detect. -Status string displays whether or not there is a cable or Bluetooth connection. -GPS COM port, baud rate, and model auto-detect. -57600 baud rate added for Hemisphere GPS. -Controller Settings initially locked to enable auto-detection features. -Battery percentage indicator. -GPS coordinates account for different hemispheres on Earth, providing correct GPS coordinates world-wide. -COM port "None" setting removed - unnecessary and causing errors. -Updated TM transducer error message and new ERV transducer error message. -Unit of measurement appears next to torque on controller screen. -Included PocketMAX3 software for advanced Hemisphere GPS configuration. -Upgrade from .NET Compact Framework version 2.0 to version 3.5 to enable use of PocketMAX3 software. <<<<<<<<<< VITALS KNOWN ISSUES >>>>>>>>>> Vitals 3.2 Known Issues ----------------------- -(For foreign languages wishing to see date in a different format) Date format is dependent upon regional settings of Recon device and Windows desktop PC. -Foreign languages Chinese, German, and Japanese require a firmware update to enable special characters. (English firmware update required if firmware has been changed to one of the aforementioned firmwares) -Hemisphere GPS unit is sub-meter AFTER post-processing of collected coordinate information. -Battery power reading/indication of Windows Mobile operating system (produced by Microsoft) is unreliable. Battery percentage indicator in Vitals Mobile reflects battery reading from Windows Mobile operating system.